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Sid Wilson of Slipknot Gives Update on Burn Injuries

Sid Wilson had himself quite the scare this weekend that left him severely burned. The DJ had posted pictures on his Instagram page showing the aftermath with him hooked up to oxygen tubes and bandaged. He recently spoke with Fox News Digital to give an update on his condition, stating:

“My whole right arm is bandaged up, half of my left arm. My face is basically melted from the nose down. But the swelling’s gone down, and they say the face is kind of amazing that it’s regenerative, it happens real fast, seems to heal quickly […] I’ve had better days, I guess, but I’m alive, so I’m doing good.”

Wilson went into further detail on how the accident happened, explaining that adding gas to a pile of still burning wood on his property was the cause of the explosion. In a hurry, he made his way back to his home and gathered his family to get to an urgent care facility, then to a hospital in Des Moines.

“When stuff like that happens, you got to go into, like, a mode where it’s like, you know, get yourself where you need to be before your body shuts down,” he told Fox.

From there, Wilson was relocated to a burn unit in Iowa City, and then was able to recover back at home with his girlfriend, Kelly Osbourne, and son, Sidney. He’s been under the watchful eye of Osbourne since and spoke about just how much of a fantastic support system she’s been via Instagram.

“She’s amazing […] Being here and taking care of all that for me, I’m not really sure what I’d be doing if she wasn’t here doing that.”

Despite the nightmarish ordeal, Wilson and his family are in high spirits, and he’s due for a check up in a few days. He’s also raring to go for future shows with Slipknot, reassuring the fans that he’ll do whatever he can to show up and show out, just like the All Hope Is Gone World Tour where he broke both his heels and completed the run.

“I’ll be there, man. I always find a way to pull it off.”

