For the uninitiated, Whamageddon is a social game with a simple premise: last from December 1st all the way to Christmas Day without hearing the Wham! classic “Last Christmas.” Covers and remixes are fair game, meaning only the genuine article will send the player to Whamhalla, and while weaponized Boy Georging is frowned upon, perhaps making Brenda in accounting swear at the top of her lungs like a grandma who just lost at bingo night is what you need to feel warm this holiday season.

Point is, other interpretations of the song are safe, so this Slipknot-infused version by Anthony Vincent of Ten Second Songs will not take you out of the game, though it may raise the ire of said Brenda in accounting. “Unsanta’d,” as Vincent dubs his version, playing off the title of the We Are Not Your Kind opener “Unsainted,” sees the viral musician in his best Corey Taylor cosplay. Donning a lookalike mask and a NASA spacesuit costume, Vincent reimagines the holiday classic with detuned guitars, a handful of “fucks,” and a healthy dose of vocal harmonies.
The only real black mark is that there’s a distinct lack of whamming, as the percussion is all programmed drums. The band you’re covering is called Wham!, you mean to tell me you couldn’t get a keg to wail on for the bit? That aside, just because People = Shit doesn’t mean the most wonderful time of the year has to be.
Vincent previously re-imagined "Last Christmas" as a Rammstein song, as well as in his multiple styles format. The latter featured 25 different artist send-ups, including Prince, Jimi Hendrix, and even Justin Bieber, but this Slipknot version is liable to give the listener All Out Life.
Check out “Unsanta’d” below: