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It's nice to have a YouTube video go viral for something that doesn't involve horrific acts, but rather horrific gas… at first, at least. Twitch streamer and content creator MoistCr1TiKaL, who uses the handle penguinz0 on YouTube, told a story on his stream on Friday (March 21) that involves his favorite band, Deftones, who, as a commenter pointed out, played their unreleased song “Brown Note.” The streamer took his girlfriend to a concert, living a childhood dream that was born from blasting White Pony while playing through Halo 2 in his youth. But that night, after a battle with bubble guts, he watched his pants change…. into poo. As he tells the story, he was experiencing discomfort throughout the show, and was “not a ‘'trust a fart’ guy to begin with,” but had resigned himself to passing gas during louder moments of the “con-squirt,” as he dubbed the incident. He would go on to let the caboose - no word on whether or not this was Engine Number 9 - loose on the ride home, making a mess of a gas station bathroom and his trousers as a result. Moist was in good spirits about the situation, cracking jokes and throwing out puns left and right during the retelling. Hopefully he won't experience any Pavlovian experiences next time he's blasting “Change (In The House of Flies).” Watch MoistCr1TiKaL's rousing tale of the “sharty party”:

