Well this is.... hm.
From Limp Bizkit's 2021 comeback effort Still Sucks comes a music video for "Turn It Up, Bitch."
Directed by Pavel Zhigarev and Fred Durst, the video takes the band on an AI journey through the 80s. Portraying the members as Miami Vice police characters, glam rock stars, wrestlers, Rambo and more; it's that specific kind of AI nostalgia-trip that makes you slightly sick to your stomach. The broad strokes are there, you get the idea, but something's off. Everything's off, actually.
You know the drill; at a glance it looks pretty neat, on closer inspection text becomes meaningless scribble, there's too much detail in some places and not enough in others, and everything is glossy to the point of stickiness, like paint melting off a canvas which it kinda is but the canvas is all of pop culture and the paint is other people's art.
Fred does say he's the king of nu-metal though, that part is cool.