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Nu Metal Agenda Is Recruiting News Writers For Our Army

The Nu Metal Agenda is looking to recruit some nu tru believers to the cause.

The Nu Metal Agenda is looking to recruit some nu tru believers to the cause.

We need writers to produce written content for

The Gig:

As a writer for Nu Metal Agenda, you will join us in our nusroom (via Discord) to plan and share news stories and other features, and work with the editorial team to post articles to the site.

Your main role will be to post breaking news from the nu metal world. This can include album or single release announcements, tour news, nu metal music world drama, relevant heavy music business news, and other important happenings related to our genre.

You will not be writing reviews or features (at least to begin with). However, as you put your time in and further the agenda, and presuming you turn in good work that requires minimal editorial intervention, we will invite you into the deeper confidences of the Agenda, and feature and review participation may be granted. For now, we are only interested in news stories for the site.

The news keeps coming, and the main thing is to get it out there. Nu metal is back and here to stay and in our hearts was never truly gone anyway. However, Nu Metal Agenda prides itself on its voice and the loving nu metal community we have built. We strongly encourage you to read the site, get a feel for what we are all about, and bring that energy into your writing.

The Money:

We pay our writers. As a writer, you will be paid a percentage of revenue generated from your articles as long as they maintain status within the network. Our writers are our partners and this structure allows our site to remain independently sustainable without outside investment influencing our writing.

To maintain writer status within the network, writers must publish at least two articles per month on the site to qualify for that month's revenue share. Writers are paid for revenue generated on all past articles they've written, earned during the months they are eligible.

  • Earn 25% of programmatic ad revenue for each article written on any of the network's platforms.
  • Earn monthly bonuses based on word count contributed to the network, derived from a pool of direct advertising and subscription revenue.

The Responsibilities:

  • Commit to writing at least two articles per month on breaking nu metal music news
  • Ability to craft clear, compelling, and well-crafted written work that matches the spirit of the site
  • Ability to write with efficiency and turn stories around in a timely manner and meet deadlines
  • A drive to consider unique sources of news and ways of keeping your finger on the pulse of the genre. Get creative! A lot of things can be a story, if presented with curiosity and enthusiasm.
  • Strong attention to detail and an ability to do your research efficiently
  • A passion for the music and the communities that sustain it
  • Excellent communication skills and a collaborative mindset. We’re a team, which means we have each other’s backs and are working towards a shared goal. Be prepared to take constructive feedback, and to be pushed to improve your work.
  • Ability to understand the difference between metalcore and nu metal, and to discover the nu wherever it dwells.
  • Always be listening to nu metal. Bug everybody in your life to listen to nu metal. Get out there and spread the Agenda.

The Application:

  • Submit your creative resume and 2 writing samples (only one of which can be a review or feature — news stories are more desired at this point). Published samples are preferred but not required // please provide links to these stories
  • Include a VERY brief (75-100 words or so) blurb expressing your interest in this position and why you’d be a good fit
  • Fill out the form below. We will contact you by email.

