Can someone pay this man to have a good day? Remember "So Far Away"? That song about celebrating all the blessings life has brought your way? Great song we could use another one of those.
Instead we have "Full of Emptiness." It's a bummer. "My head full of regrets / My heart full of broke / And my bed full of sex" honks lead singer Aaron Lewis. Listen man, if you really feel like this there are certain lifestyle choices you could make, like not shooting 32 coyotes and spelling out "Trump 24" with their carcasses. Lewis has rarely not been an on-record solipsist, but the best Staind songs are the ones that give him a little space to reflect or just have such undeniable riffs and hooks that it doesn't matter. "Full of Emptiness" has none of these; it just plods and moans and whines and ends.
The track been appended to a deluxe edition of 2023's Confessions of the Fallen, which featured such tracks as "Lowest in Me" and "Cycle of Hurting" (sheesh). Listen below to the official visualizer which, by the way, features a license plate that says "TRAUMA" in case you still didn't get it somehow.