Features The 15 Greatest (and 10 Worst) Post-Grunge Songs of All Time , and Holiday Kirk , and Gabi Brown , and Terra Eyes , and Josh Rioux April 11, 2024
Features A Beginner's Guide to Nu-Metal Video Games , and Holiday Kirk , and RJ Martin , and rosiegothicc , and Terra Eyes , and Christopher Redar , and Lucia Z. Liner February 16, 2024
Features A List of Bands That Sound Like Maynard James Keenan Side Projects , and NMA Staff , and Holiday Kirk , and Joshua Cummings , and Terra Eyes , and Gabi Brown , and Cain Borgia , and Christopher Redar January 23, 2024
New Releases Disturbed Release Music Video for "Don't Tell Me" featuring Ann Wilson of Heart , and Terra Eyes January 13, 2024
Features The Nu-Metal Agenda's Top Albums of 2023 , and NMA Staff , and Terra Eyes , and Christopher Redar , and RJ Martin , and BaniBoi , and Cain Borgia , and Brandon Durden , and Gabi Brown , and Mark Doubt , and Holiday Kirk , and Riviera December 31, 2023
News Kittie Recording New Studio Album With Producer Nick Raskulinecz , and Terra Eyes November 22, 2023
††† (Crosses) ††† (Crosses) Debut Haunting Single With The Cure’s Robert Smith , and Terra Eyes October 19, 2023
Features Deftones Albums Ranked , and NMA Staff , and Hemotype , and Yumi , and Holiday Kirk , and Gabi Brown , and Terra Eyes , and Paris Murrow , and Joshua Cummings August 24, 2023